Welcome to the University of California's systemwide intolerance report form.

Please Note:
To report potential violations of law or UC policy, please use the UC Whistleblower Hotline.

The University of California's Principles of Community are grounded in our mission of instruction, research and public service. We value diversity, affirm the inherent dignity of every person and uphold communities of justice. We strive for a campus and a world free of discrimination, intolerance and hate. We are equally committed to freedom of expression, critical inquiry, civil dialogue and mutual respect.

If you experience or observe behavior that is inconsistent with our Principles of Community, please report it.

You may report in a variety of ways:

  • Report anonymously or by name, via this Campus Climate page, by selecting the University of California campus where the incident occurred from the list to the right and clicking "Continue".
  • Report anonymously to an appropriate campus office, based on the nature of the incident. Please refer to the website for the campus where the incident occurred.
  • Report anonymously via your campus' Bias Reporting page, by selecting your campus from the Local Bias Reporting menu above. If your campus does not appear on this list, there is no local reporting form available. Please use this form, instead.
  • File a report with your Campus Police Department, via the Campus Police menu above.

In addition, community members have the option to report bias incidents to their County Human Rights Commission or City Human Relations Commission.

Even if you don't want or expect any action to be taken, having a record of all campus incidents helps the University to better address issues of culture, climate and inclusion. Your report can make a difference.

On this form you may report the following issues. To see a particular definition, please mouse over the issue name.

  • Expressions of Bias
  • Hate Speech
  • Hate Crime
  • Graffiti/Vandalism
  • Intimidation, Bullying or Physical Violence
  • Bias Incidents
  • Hostile Climate
  • Other Campus Climate Issues

The University takes these issues seriously and expects that they're reported in good faith. At no time will action be taken against anyone for good-faith reporting, inquiring about or seeking guidance regarding campus issues of intolerance. Your report is confidential and, to ensure that, the University contracted with an independent provider, EthicsPoint, for this service.

You may choose to remain anonymous and, if you do, you can continue to communicate with us regarding your report through this service by providing your report key and password.

Once you've submitted your report, a designated campus official will review it. Please check back in 2 weeks to see if the campus has any additional questions for you.

This is not a 911 Service.

If you're concerned about an immediate threat to life or property, or need to report a criminal activity in progress, please call 911 or contact your campus police by selecting your location from the Campus Police menu above. Or, if you want to report a violation of state or federal law, please use the University's Compliance Hotline,

Make a Report

To file a report select the campus where the incident occurred from the list below:

Check the Status of a Report